Interim BCHJA points are updated online and posted throughout the show season, promptly after each show is completed. Be sure to review these unofficial points carefully, and report any discrepancies as soon as possible. No results will be considered final until show season is over and calculations and eligibility are verified. Any disputes will be reviewed by a quorum of the board, and the decision of that quorum will be final.
The BCHJA Board has approved the following process for the handling of errors or omissions in BCHJA points: Points omitted due to spelling errors (names are correct, spelling incorrect): The rider, and trainer are all current BCHJA members, however the spelling on the show entry is not consistent with the BCHJA membership data.
This is the most common reason that points do not appear, and this is easy to fix. Please contact us to report the omission, and it will be corrected.
It is the member’s responsibility to maintain the correctness of their BCHJA membership file, and to be aware of the rules outlined as follows. Members' year of birth is used to assign the appropriate age divisions. If this is incorrect, points may also be incorrect for age-sensitive divisions. Member name, as listed on the BCHJA file is what is used for points calculations. If you use a different name or spelling on show entries, your points may not show up in the final calculations for each show.
Please note that sign-up/renewals are date and time stamped, and back-dating will not be done for the purpose of awarding points. If rider/trainer memberships are not valid and paid-up by 6PM on the Sunday of each BCHJA show, points will not be awarded for that show.

Points are awarded in accordance with Equine Canada Rules for BCHJA Divisions as follows ⤵
Gold Competitions:
All BCHJA hunter divisions and classes 3’ and up
All rated BCHJA pony hunter divisions
BCHJA hunter divisions 2’9” and below will carry no multiplying factor
All BCHJA jumper divisions 1.0m and up
All rated BCHJA pony jumper divisions
BCHJA jumper divisions .90m and down will carry no multiplying factor
Equitation: no multiplying factor
Bronze Competitions:
No multiplying factor will be used

Base Points X Number Competed X Multiplying Factor:
Base Points:
1st place = 8 points
2nd place = 7 points
3rd place = 6 points
4th place = 5 points
5th place = 4 points
6th place = 3 points
7th place = 2 points
8th place = 1 point
Number Competed:
Number of competitors shown on the results
There must be a minimum of 2 competitors for points to be awarded
Multiplying Factor
(Gold Shows Only – no multiplying factor applied for Bronze Shows)
Multiplying factor used to calculate points in hunter classes will be based upon the total hunter prize money actually awarded at each EC Gold competition as follows:
$15,001 or above 15
$10,001 to $15,000 10
$5,001 to $10,000 6
$2,501 to $5,000 4
Up to $2,500 2
Example: Calculation for second place horse, class of 27 horses; competition offers $8,500 hunter prize money: 7 points X 27 horses X 6 (multiplying factor) = 1134 points
Multiplying factors used to calculate jumper points will be based upon the total jumper prize money actually awarded at each EC Gold competition.
$50,001 and above 15
$30,001 to $50,000 10
$10,001 to $30,000 8
$5,001 to $10,000 6
$2,501 to $5,000 4
Up to $2,500 2
Example: Calculation for second place horse, class of 27 horses; competition offers $15,000 jumper prize money: 7 points X 27 horses X 8 (multiplying factor) = 1512 points

Cross Entry in Hunter & Equitation 2’3”, 2’6”, and 2’9” Divisions:
Individuals may enter any and all classes/divisions that fall within the rules for the specific horse show, and will receive horse show venue awards accordingly. The BCHJA Divisions and Points Rules are applied and calculated independently. It is the member’s responsibility to be aware of the BCHJA Points Rules. Points will be calculated and posted in all of the BCHJA Hunter and Equitation Divisions at the 2’3″/2’6″/2’9″ level throughout the season. At the end of the season, Final Award Placings will be calculated as follows:
For Hunters (end result will be 12 different year end award winning riders – may be overlapping with Equitation):
The top 3 in the 2’9″ Hunter Divisions will be identified
The top 3 in the 2’6″ Hunter Divisions will be identified, and if any overlap with top 3 in 2’9″ Hunter Divisions, those names will be removed from 2’6″, and top 3 will be re-calculated without those individuals.
The top 3 in the 2’3″ Hunter Divisions will be identified, and if any overlap with the top 3 in 2’6″ or 2’9″ Hunter Divisions, those names will be removed from 2’3″, and top 3 will be re- calculated without those individuals.
For Equitation (end result will be 12 different year end award winners – may be overlapping with Hunters):
The top 3 in the 2’9″ Equitation Divisions will be identified
The top 3 in the 2’6″ Equitation Divisions will be identified, and if any overlap with the top 3 in 2’9″ Equitation Divisions, those names will be removed from 2’6″, and the top 3 will be re-calculated without those individuals.
The top 3 in the 2’3″ Equitation Divisions will be identified, and if any overlap with top 3 in 2’6″ or 2’9″ Equitation Divisions, those names will be removed from 2’3″, and top 3 will be re- calculated without those individuals.

Year-end awards are based on the points achieved in the best 4 BCHJA shows, plus the Fall Finale results.
There is one exception: point accrual at the Fall Finale is restricted to those who have competed as members in at least one previous BCHJA show in the current competition year. The BCHJA Board reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of year-end award prizes, for a particular division, based upon the size of the division. Pre-Green 3’ & 3’3” will be combined, and Green 3’6” & 3’9” will be combined if less than 4 BCHJA members are accruing points in each height of these divisions.