Royal West 2021
We want to extend a huge congratulations to the many BC riders who competed at the Royal West in 2021.
BCHJA was proud to accept the following riders travel funding applications and they were granted $750 to put towards their efforts for competing and representing the BCHJA. BC riders were the winners of both major Canadian Medal finals and several of our riders made the top four in both! In addition, our horse-rider combinations made us proud in the hunters and derby rings, as well as shone in the jumper ring! Congratulations to all.
Ashley Arnoldt
Anya Bereznicki
Sloane Betker (Jump Canada Medal Finals Winner)
Jessica Felcan
Sofia Schliessler
Lily Van Elliot
Kate Walkington
Taylor Winther Blair (CET Medal Finals Winner)
Colby Winther Konig
Emma Woo
© Photos by Kim Gaudry & Quinn Saunders